Vendor Requirements
All vendors coming to an EWU campus must comply with EWU’s COVID-19 restrictions and requirements as follows:
Masks: Masks are optional in most indoor and outdoor spaces. Details of when/where masks are required can be found here:
Practice Personal Hygiene: Each person is expected to maintain hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette to reduce the likelihood of infections.
Stay home if you are sick: All individuals should stay home if they are sick or have Covid symptoms such as:
- Difficulty breathing
- New loss of taste or smell
- Fever
- Chills or repeated shaking with chills
Report Exposure/Symptoms: If a vendor/visitor has a confirmed case of COVID-19, is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, is being tested for the virus, or is a close contact of someone with COVID-19, this information should be reported immediately by using the online reporting form at or by phone to 509-359-6900.
Questions or Concerns?
Questions or concerns about EWU’s COVID-19 requirements and protocols may be reported online at: You may also contact Trent Lutey, Director of Risk Management, at or (509) 359-6618.