EWU 402-03 Accommodating Persons with Disabilities

PDF Version Personnel – Human Rights EWU Policy 402-03 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees Effective: December 9, 2022 Proponent: University President Purpose: This policy prescribes university standards and responsibilities related to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990; the ADA Amendments Act of 2008; the Washington State Law Against Discrimination, RCW … Read more

EWU 901-05: Nepotism

PDF Version Standards of Conduct EWU Policy 901-05 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees Effective: February 23, 2024 Proponent: President’s Office Purpose:  This policy pertains to familial relationships between employees of Eastern Washington University or between employees and students. It prescribes requirements and procedures for eliminating conflicts of interest associated with family relationships and for responding … Read more

EWU 901-04: Bullying Prevention and Response

PDF Version Standards of Conduct EWU Policy 901-04 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees Effective: October 5, 2018 Proponent: Division of Human Resources, Rights and Risk Purpose:  This policy describes university standards for managing incidents of bullying.  It also establishes procedures for handling related complaints or incidents of policy violations. History:  This policy revises and supersedes the … Read more

EWU 901-02: Appropriate Use of University Resources

PDF Version Standards of Conduct EWU Policy 901-02 Authority: Board of Trustees Effective: December 9, 2022 Proponent: University President Summary: This policy prescribes standards for the use of university equipment and resources. It includes descriptions and restrictions related to personal use of university resources. History: This policy revises Appropriate Use of University Resources, dated May … Read more

EWU 901-01: Ethical Standards

PDF Version Standards of Conduct EWU Policy 901-01 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees Effective: December 9, 2022 Proponent: President’s Office Purpose: This policy prescribes ethical standards for the work and conduct of employees of Eastern Washington University. The purpose of this policy is to support and implement Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and … Read more

EWU 302-05: Integrity in Research & Scholarship

PDF Version Academics and Research – Research EWU Policy 302-05                                    Authority: EWU Board of Trustees Effective: December 6, 2019                   Proponent: Office of Academic Affairs Purpose:  Any EWU faculty, staff, or student involved in research or scholarly activities under the auspices of Eastern Washington University (EWU) are expected … Read more