Non-Returning Student Survey Results – 2022

Purpose: The Non-Returning Student Survey intends to provide insights into why undergraduate students are not returning to EWU to continue their education. The survey is distributed to undergraduate students who were enrolled in any term during the 2022 academic year but were not present in the 10th day snapshot for fall 2022. The survey does not include post-baccalaureate students, dual enrollment students or students who have graduated.

Sample: The survey was distributed to 1,954 students and 205 responses were collected.

Total SampledComplete ResponsesPartial ResponsesTotal ResponsesResponse Rate

Note: Certain questions are logic-based questions and were only asked of respondents who answered a question with a specific response.

Note: Only respondents answering Transfer to another institution in Q1 were asked this question. 0 answered No.

Note: Only respondents who selected Academics in Q4 were asked this question.

Note: Only respondents answering Hard to get needed classes in Q5 were asked this question.

Note: Only respondents answering Community or Connectedness in Q4 were asked this question.

Note: Only respondents who selected Environment or Location in Q4 were asked this question.

Note: Only respondents who selected Family or Personal in Q4 were asked this question.

Note: Only respondents who selected Financial in Q4 were asked this question.

Note: Only respondents who selected Paid Employment in Q11 were asked this question.