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Institutional Effectiveness Teams

What is Institutional Effectiveness?

What is Institutional Effectiveness?

Institutional Effectiveness is a continuous cycle for planning, assessing, analyzing, and improving processes, programs, and services supporting EWU’s mission and vision. Assessment at EWU evaluates through a data-driven decision-making process. Institutional Effectiveness is guided by EWU’s vision for the future.

What are the main components?

Click the buttons on the left to learn more about each of the five main concepts.

Institutional Data:

The management of institutional data while expanding access to these data is critical to the institution. An element is considered institutional data if it supports students or the institution.

Learning Outcomes Assessment:

Student learning outcomes specify what students will be able to do and demonstrate when they have completed a course or an academic degree-granting program. This helps to ensure students are achieving the stated learning outcomes.

Program Review:

Program review aims to continually enhance the overall quality of education offered at EWU by evaluating academics programs while focusing on institutional and department missions, student learning outcomes, evidence-based decision making, and university strategic planning.

Strategic Planning:

Thoughtful, data-informed, and effective planning to identify and analyze any internal and external factors impacting EWU’s focus on students. Seeking representation from advisory boards, faculty, administration, staff, students, alumni, and the community, the intent is to include and provide weight to stakeholders. The goal is this leads to dynamic and comprehensive strategic plans for the future.


The goal of accreditation is to ensure the education provided at EWU meets acceptable levels of quality. Accreditation in higher education is about improvement of academic quality and public accountability.