2024 – 2025 Program Plans, Course Rotations, & Curriculum Information

2024 – 2025 Program Requirements & Course Rotations

Masters in Education Programs

Professional Certificate Programs

Curricular Components


All of the Accelerate Programs (both Professional Certificates and Masters Programs) in the School of Education require students to complete a specific set of classes. The course requirements range from 3-7 specific concentration courses along with internship and portfolio courses.
All M.Ed. students must also complete the 4 core classes.

All M.Ed. students the EDUC 522 Transformation of Learning & Teaching should be taken as your first class.

Internships & Portfolios

All of our programs require a field experience (e.g., internship or practicum) and portfolio course. The length and type of field experiences vary across programs (e.g., Library Media requires 2 sessions and Principal Certificate requires 6 sessions).
Learn more about your program’s specific internship requirements.
The complementary Portfolio Course allows students to reflect and synthesize their internship and courses experiences.

Comprehensive Exams

All of the Master’s in Education programs require students to synthesize knowledge in a comprehensive degree course. The purpose of the Comprehensive Examination is to assess knowledge and understanding of specified core courses and evaluate whether students are academically prepared for their role in education.
While there is some variety, most exams consists of three (3) academic papers to be submitted during weeks 2, 3, and 4 during a 6-week session.