Master in Teaching (MIT)
Secondary Majors and Minors

This page contains a list of all majors and minors available for students in the Secondary Education MIT program. For additional information please see the main Secondary Major information page.

Secondary Majors

Majors Majors

Select tab to view coursework.

Art Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.


Art Department Website



    • ART 107 Basic Design (5)


    • ART 155 Painting (5) OR ART 355 Painting (5)


    • ART 213 Art in the Humanities (5)


    • ART 300 Drawing (5)


    • ART 303 Digital Art I (5)


    • ART 325 Ceramics (5)


    • ART 391 Foundations of Art Education (2)


    • ART 393 Art in the Secondary School (3)


    • ART 400 Drawing or ART 491 Life Drawing (5)


    • ART 420 History of Renaissance Art (5)


Select One:

    • ART 423 Art of the 19th Century (5)


    • ART 430 History of Modern Art (5)


    • ART 431 History of Contemporary Art (5)


Select One:

    • ART 304 Art of Photography (5)


    • ART 307 3D Design (5)


    • ART 356 Watercolor (5)


    • ART 360 Printmaking (5)


    • ART 365 Sculpture (5)


    • ART 400 Drawing (5)


    • ART 401 Life Drawing (5)


    • ART 403 Digital Art II (5)


    • ART 404 Art of Photography (5)


    • ART 425 Advanced Ceramics (5)


    • ART 455 Painting (5)


    • ART 456 Watercolor (5)


    • ART 460 Printmaking (5)


Biology Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Bo Idsardi | 509.359.6512 |

Biology Department Website



  • BIOL 171 Biology I (5)
  • BIOL 172 Biology II (5)
  • BIOL 173 Biology III (5)
  • BIOL 270 Biological Investigation (3)
  • BIOL 301 Microbiology (5)
  • BIOL 302 Botany (5)
  • BIOL 310 Fundamentals of Genetics (5)
  • BIOL 340 Biology and Society (2)
  • BIOL 423 Evolution (5)
  • BIOL 440 Ecology (4)
  • BIOL 441 Ecology Laboratory (2)

Select One:

  • BIOL 303 Invertebrate Zoology (5)
  • BIOL 304 Vertebrate Zoology (5)

Select One:

  • BIOL 334 Human Anatomy and Physiology III (5)
  • BIOL 351 Principles of Animal Physiology (4)
  • BIOL 352 Principles of Plan Physiology (4)
  • BIOL 353 Principles of Microbial Physiology (4)

Select One:

  • BIOL 380 Data Analysis for Biologists (5)
  • MATH 142 Pre-Calculus Mathematics II (5)
  • MATH 380 Probability and Statistics (5)

Required Supporting Courses:

  • BIOL 390 Biology Teaching Methods (2)
  • CHEM 151 General Chemistry I (5)
  • CHEM 152 General Chemistry II (5)
  • CHEM 153 General Chemistry III (5)
  • SCED 390 Science Teaching Methods (2)
Business and Marketing Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Becky Chamberlain | 509.359.6198 |

Business Department Website



  • ACCT 251 Principles of Financial Accounting (5)
  • ACCT 261 Business Law (4)
  • ACCT 351 Intermediate Accounting I (4)
  • BUED 302 Business Communication (4)
  • BUED 425 Workplace Communications Using Computer Applications (5)
  • BUED 470 Introduction to Computer Science for Teachers (4)
  • BUED 475 Methodologies Used in Business, Accounting, Business English and Marketing (4)
  • BUED 476 Instructional Methodologies Used Computer Applications (4)
  • CTED 301 Philosophy of Career and Technical Education (4)
  • CTED 474 Administration of Work-Site Education (4)
  • DSCI 245 Data Analysis for Business (4)
  • ECON 200 Microeconomics (5)
  • ECON 201 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
  • ENTP 311 Entrepreneurial Behavior and Thinking (4)
  • FINC 335 Financial Management (4)
  • HUMR 328 Human Resource Management (4)
  • MKTG 310 Principles of Marketing (4)
Chemistry Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Ashley Lamm | 509.359.7932 |

Chemistry Department Website



  • CHEM 151 General Chemistry I (5)
  • CHEM 151 General Chemistry II (5)
  • CHEM 151 General Chemistry III (5)
  • CHEM 304 Quantitative Analysis (6)
  • CHEM 316 Environmental Chemistry (5) or CHEM 121 Chemistry and its Role on Society (5)
  • CHEM 351 Organic Chemistry I (4)
  • CHEM 352 Organic Chemistry II (4)
  • CHEM 372 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (3)
  • CHEM 390 Chemical Methods in Secondary School (2)
  • CHEM 421 Physical Chemistry I (4)
  • CHEM 422 Physical Chemistry II (3)
  • CHEM 480 Biochemistry (5)
  • SCED 390 Science Teaching Methods (2)

Required Supporting Courses:

  • MATH 161 Calculus I (5)
  • MATH 162 Calculus II (5)
  • MATH 163 Calculus III (5)
  • PHYS 151 General Physics I (4)
  • PHYS 152 General Physics II (4)
  • PHYS 153 General Physics III (4)
  • PHYS 161 Mechanics Laboratory (1)
  • PHYS 162 Heat and Optics Laboratory (1)
  • PHYS 163 Instrumentation Lab I (1)
Earth and Space Science Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Sharen Keattch | 509.359.7358 |

Earth and Space Science Department Website



  • CHEM 151 General Chemistry I (5)
  • GEOG 305 Introduction to Oceanography (5)
  • GEOG 314 Weather and Climate
  • GEOG 410 Geomorphology (5)
  • GEOL 120 Physical Geology: The Solid Earth (5)
  • GEOL 121 Physical Geology: Surficial Processes (5)
  • GEOL 122 Historical Geology (5)
  • GEOL 311 Earth Materials (4)
  • GEOL 320 Environmental Geology (4) or GEOL 360 Geologic Hazards (4)
  • GEOL 391 Middle School and Earth and Space Science Methods (3)
  • MATH 142 Precalculus II (5)
  • PHYS 121 Descriptive Astronomy (5)
  • PHYS 131 Introductory Physics I (4)
  • PHYS 161 Mechanics Laboratory (1)
  • SCED 390 Secondary Science Teaching Methods (2)

Select 4-5 credits of the following:

  • GEOG 201 Introduction to Field Research (5)
  • GEOG/BIOL 312 Fundamentals of Soil Science (4)
  • GEOG 315 Surface Hydrology (4)
  • GEOG 325 Wetland Science I (4)
  • GEOL 455 Colorado Plateau Geology (4)
  • GEOL 496 Geology Field Trip (3-5)
English Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Sean Agriss | 509.359.6863 |

Advisor: Beth Torgerson | 509.359.6038 |

English Department Website


Required before Core English Coursework:

  • ENGL 271 Introduction to Poetry (5)
  • ENGL 370 Introduction to Fiction (5) or ENGL 273 Critical Methodologies (5)


  • ENGL 343 Survey of American Literature I (5)
  • ENGL 344 Survey of American Literature II (5)
  • ENGL 350 Shakespeare (5)
  • ENGL 360 Language Structure and Use (5)
  • ENGL 408 The Composition Process (5)
  • ENGL 459 Grammar for Teachers (5)
  • ENGL 490 Senior Capstone
  • ENGL 493 Teaching Literature to Adolescents

Select two of the following:

  • ENGL 340 Survey of British Literature I (5)
  • ENGL 341 Survey of British Literature II (5)
  • ENGL 342 Survey of British Literature III (5)
French Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Florian Preisig | 509.359.6001 |

French Department Website



  • FREN 201 French Grammar and Composition I (5)
  • FREN 202 French Grammar and Composition II (5)
  • FREN 203 French Grammar and Composition III (5)
  • FREN 310 Advanced Grammar and Composition (4)
  • FREN 320 French Civilization and Culture I (4) OR FREN 321 French Civilization and Culture II (4)
  • FREN 330 Introduction to French Literature (4)
  • GNML 390 Foreign Language Methods

Select nine credits of the following:

  • FREN 430 17th Century French Literature and Culture (3)
  • FREN 431 18th Century French Literature and Culture (3)
  • FREN 433 19th Century French Literature and Culture (3)
  • FREN 434 20th Century French Literature and Culture (3)
  • FREN 496/497 Workshops/Special Topics (2-4)
  • FREN 498 Seminar (1-5)


  • FREN 305 French Conversation I (2)
  • FREN 306 French Conversation II (2)
Health and Physical Education


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Carri Kreider | 509.359.4707 |

Health and Physical Education Department Website



  • HLED 193 Standard First Aid and Safety (2)
  • HLED 200 Admission to Health and Fitness (2)
  • HLED 202 Introduction to Health, Wellness and Sustainable Living (4)
  • HLED 300 After-School Programming (3)
  • HLED 365 Teaching Methods in Health (3)
  • HLED 370 Introduction to Community and Public Health (4)
  • HLED 372 Applied Nutrition and Physical Fitness (3)
  • HLED 475 Human Sexuality (3)
  • PHED 251 Motor Control and Learning (4)
  • PHED 260 Sports Sciences for Coaching (3)
  • PHED 336 Individual Sports (2)
  • PHED 337 Team Sports (2)
  • PHED 340 Rhythms and Games (2)
  • PHED 341 Elementary School Activities (2)
  • PHED 342 Lifelong Leisure Activities (2)
  • PHED 348 Anatomical/Mechab Kinesiology (4)
  • PHED 350 Physiological Kinesiology (4)
  • PHED 365 General Methods and Procedures for Physical Education (3)
  • PHED 370 Sport and Culture (4)
  • PHED 375 Assessment in Health and Fitness (3)
  • PHED 452 Adapted Physical Education (4)
  • PHED 490 Senior Capstone: Health and Fitness (4)

Choose One:

  • PHED 333 Group Exercise Instructor Training
  • PHED 334 Personal Training
  • PHED 335 Strength and Conditioning Prolab
Literacy, Reading and Writing Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Shelly Shaffer | 509.359.6192 |

Advisor: Ann Van Wig | 509.359.6097 |

Literacy Webpage

Secondary Education Coursework


  • EDUC 201 Introduction to Education (3)
  • EDUC 303 Foundations of Assessment (3)
  • EDUC 309 Foundations of Secondary Classroom Management (3)
  • EDUC 341 Secondary Strategies, Management and Assessment (3)
  • EDUC 413 Content Area Literacy: Management and Assessment for Secondary Education Candidates (3)
  • EDUC 420 Admission to Professional Candidacy (1)
  • EDUC 426 Secondary Student Teaching 7-12 (12)
  • EDUC 427 General Student Teaching K-12 (3-15)

Secondary Literacy Coursework

Required (*):

  • EDUC 304 Introduction to Elementary Reading (3)
  • EDUC 305 Children’s Literature Study and Use (4)
  • EDUC 310 Literacy Methods, Management and Assessment in the Elementary School (4)
  • EDUC 320 Assessing and Differentiating Literacy Instruction (4)
  • EDUC 401 Young Adult Literature Study and Use (4)
  • EDUC 411 Literacy for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Learners (4)
  • EDUC 413 Content Area Literacy: Management and Assessment for Secondary Education Candidates (3)
  • EDUC 416 Writing Process Across the Curriculum (4)
  • EDUC 490 Literacy Major Capstone (4)
  • EDUC 494 Literacy Seminar and Practicum (4)

Select One Elective (•):

  • EDUC/ENGL 323 A Global View through Children’s Literature (5)
  • EDUC 462 Instructional Media and Technology (3)
  • EDUC 463 Production of Instructional Materials (5)
  • EDUC 479 Early Literacy (3)
  • EDUC 490A Natural Resources Capstone (5)
  • ENGL 360 Language Structure and Use (5)
  • THTR 326 Creative Dramatics (3)
Mathetmatics Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Barbara Alvin | 509.359.2203 |

Mathematics Department Website



  • MATH 161 Calculus I (5)
  • MATH 162 Calculus II (5)
  • MATH 163 Calculus III (5)
  • MATH 225 Foundations of Mathematics (5)
  • MATH 231 Linear Algebra (5)
  • MATH 241 Calculus IV (5)
  • MATH 370 Survey of Geometries (5)
  • MATH 385 Probability and Statistical Inference I (5)
  • MATH 387 Regression Concepts (3)
  • MATH 432 Rings and Polynomials (5)
  • MATH 460 Continuous Functions (5)
  • MATH 492 Problem Solving Seminar (5)
  • MTED 392 Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics I (3)
  • MTED 393 Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics II (3)
  • MTED 490B Senior Capstone: Secondary Practicum (5)
  • MTED 493 Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics III (3)

Select One:

  • MATH 331 Discrete Mathematics with Applications (5)
  • MATH 332 Number Theory (5)
  • MATH 347 Introductory Differential Equations (4) and MATH 307 Mathematical Computing Laboratory III (1)
  • MATH 431 Applied Group Theory (5)
  • MATH 481 Complex Analysis (5)
Middle Level Mathematics Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Barbara Alvin | 509.359.2203 |

Mathematics Department Website



  • EDUC 417 Culture of Middle School (3)
  • MATH 114 Algebra Concepts (5)
  • MATH 211 Structure of Elementary Mathematics I (5)
  • MATH 212 Structure of Elementary Mathematics II (5)
  • MATH 311 Functions and Relations from K-8 Teachers (5)
  • MATH 312 Geometry for the K-8 Teacher (5)
  • MATH 411 Discrete Mathematics for K-8 Teachers (4)
  • MATH 413 Data Analysis and Probability for Middle Level Teachers (3)
  • MATH 416 Calculus for Middle Level Teachers (4)
  • MATH 420 Problem Solving for K-8 Teachers (4)
  • MTED 290 Early Math Practicum (3)
  • MTED 390 Methods of Teaching Elementary School Mathematics (5)
  • MTED 392 Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics I (3)
  • MTED 412 Advanced Methods of Teaching K-8 Mathematics (5)
  • MTED 490B Senior Capstone: Secondary Practicum (5)
Middle Level Science – Natural Science Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Sharen Keattch | 509.359.7358 |

Natural Science Department Website



  • BIOL 115 Investigating Biology (5)
  • BIOL 171 Biology I (5)
  • BIOL 172 Biology II (5)
  • CHEM 161 General Chemistry for the Health Science (5)
  • EDUC 417 Culture of Middle School (3)
  • GEOG/GEOL 115 Investigating Earth Science
  • GEOG 204 Atmospheric Environment (5) or GEOG 314 Weather and Climate (5)
  • GEOL 121 Physical Geology: Surficial Processes (5)
  • MATH 142 Precalculus II (5)
  • PHYS 115 Investigating Physical Science (5)
  • PHYS 121 Descriptive Anatomy (5)
  • PHYS 131 Introductory Physics I (4)
  • PHYS 161 Mechanics Laboratory (1)
  • SCED 390 Science Teaching Methods (2)
  • SCED 391 Middle Level and Earth and Space Science Methods (3)


    • SCED 490 Middle Level Science Capstone and Practicum (5)


Music Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Kristina Ploeger | 509.359.7028|

Music Department Website



  • MUSC 101 Music Theory I (3)
  • MUSC 102 Music Theory II (3)
  • MUSC 103 Music Theory III (3)
  • MUSC 104 Sight Singing and Aural Skills I (1)
  • MUSC 105 Sight Signing and Aural Skills II (1)
  • MUSC 106 Sight Singing and Aural Skills III (1)
  • MUSC 110 Convocation and Recital Attendance (0)
  • MUSC 121 Piano Class II for Majors (1)
  • MUSC 122 Piano Class III for Majors (1)
  • MUSC 130 Voice Class (1) or MUSC 320 Dictation for Singers I (1)
  • MUSC 201 Music Theory IV (3)
  • MUSC 202 Music Theory V (3)
  • MUSC 203 Music Theory VI (3)
  • MUSC 204 Sight Singing and Aural Skills IV (1)
  • MUSC 205 Sight Singing and Aural Skills V (1)
  • MUSC 244 Music Technology (2)
  • MUSC 250 Music History and Literature I (3)
  • MUSC 251  Music History and Literature II (3)
  • MUSC 252 Music History and Literature III (3)
  • MUSC 310 Basic Conducting Skills (2)
  • MUSC 312 Advanced Conducting Skills (2)
  • MUSC 357 Music in Diverse Cultures (3)
  • MUSC 441 Music Methods for Elementary Music Specialists (3)
  • MUSC 445 Choral Methods and Materials for Secondary School (2)
  • MUSC 446 Instrumental Methods and Materials (2)
  • MUSC 447 Jazz Ensemble Methods and Materials (2)
  • MUSC 470 Senior Recital (1-5)
  • MUSC 491 Music Senior Thesis (4)

Music Ensemble Requirements (must be repeated):

  • MUSE 321 Wind Ensemble (1)
  • MUSE 322 Symphonic Band (1)
  • MUSE 330 Orchestra (1)
  • MUSE 340 Symphonic Choir (1)
  • MUSE 341 Concert Choir (1)

Select seven credits from the following:

  • MUSC 382 Stringed Instrument Techniques (1)
  • MUSC 383 Woodwind Instrument Techniques (1)
  • MUSC 384 Brass Instrument Techniques (1)
  • MUSC 385 Percussion Instrument Techniques (1)
Physics Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Brian Houser | 509.359.7005 |

Physics Department Website



  • CHEM 151 General Chemistry I (5)
  • CHEM 152 General Chemistry II (5)
  • PHYS 151 General Physics I (4)
  • PHYS 152 General Physics II (4)
  • PHYS 153 General Physics III (4)
  • PHYS 161 Mechanics Laboratory (1)
  • PHYS 162 Heat and Optics Laboratory (1)
  • PHYS 163 Instrumentation Lab I (1)
  • PHYS 164 Instrumentation Lab II (1)
  • PHYS 221 General Physics IV (4)
  • PHYS 321 Advanced Physics Lab I (3)
  • PHYS 371 Quantum Physic I: Introduction (4)
  • PHYS 390 Physics Teaching Methods (2)
  • MATH 161 Calculus I (5)
  • MATH 162 Calculus II (5)
  • MATH 163 Calculus III (5)
  • SCED 390 Science Teaching Methods (2)

Select (15) credits of any 300- or 400-level physics course, with the exception of PHYS 497.

Social Studies Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Jacki Hedlund Tyler |

Social Studies Department Website



    • ANTH 101 Global Cultural Encounters (5) or SOCI 320 Race and Ethnic Relations: Global Perspectives (5) or SOCI 321 Sex and Gender (5)


    • ECON 100 General Education Economics (5) or ECON 200 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)


    • GEOG 101 Fundamentals of Human Geography (5) or GEOG 301 Human Geography (5)


    • GEOG 230 World Geography (5)


    • HIST 104 East Asia: Tradition and Transformation (5)


    • HIST 105 Western Heritage: Origins to the 18th Century (5) or HIST 106 Western Heritage: 18th Century to the Present (5) or HIST 306 Modern Europe (5)


    • HIST 301 History of the Present (or Diplomatic History elective) (5)


    • HIST 303 U.S. History 1607-1877 (5)


    • HIST 304 U.S. History 1877-Present (5)


    • HIST 365 Latin American History (or Latin American History elective) (5)


    • HIST 483 History and Government of the Pacific Northwest (5)


    • POLI 100 Modern Government in American Context (5)


    • SOST 390 Social Studies in Secondary School (4)


    • SOST 490 Senior Capstone: Social Studies in the Public Schools (4)


Select 4 credit course upper division non-U.S. History elective

Select 4 credit course upper division U.S. History Elective

Spanish Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Jose Sanchez | 509.359.2862|

Advisor: Natalia Rubio | 509.359.7955|

Spanish Department Website



  • GNML 390 Foreign Language Methods (4)
  • SPAN 201 Second-Year Spanish I (5)
  • SPAN 202 Second-Year Spanish II (5)
  • SPAN 203 Second-Year Spanish III (5)
  • SPAN 310 Advanced Grammar and Composition (3)
  • SPAN 311 Advanced Grammar and Composition (3)
  • SPAN 320 Spanish Civilization (5)
  • SPAN 321 Spanish American Civilization and Culture (5)
  • SPAN 338 Survey of Spanish Literature (3) or SPAN 339 Survey of Spanish-American Literature (3)

Select eleven credits above SPAN 300.

Secondary Minors

Minors Minors

Select tab to view coursework.

Art Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.


Art Department Website



    • ART 107 Basic Design (5)


    • ART 155 Painting (5) OR ART 355 Painting (5)


    • ART 213 Art in the Humanities (5)


    • ART 300 Drawing (5)


    • ART 303 Digital Art I (5)


    • ART 325 Ceramics (5)


    • ART 391 Foundations of Art Education (2)


    • ART 393 Art in the Secondary School (3)


Select One:

    • ART 420 History of Renaissance Art (5)


    • ART 423 Art of the 19th Century (5)


    • ART 430 History of Modern Art (5)


Select One:

    • ART 304 Art of Photography (5)


    • ART 307 3D Design (5)


    • ART 356 Watercolor (5)


    • ART 360 Printmaking (5)


    • ART 365 Sculpture (5)


    • ART 400 Drawing (5)


    • ART 401 Life Drawing (5)


    • ART 403 Digital Art II (5)


    • ART 425 Advanced Ceramics (5)


    • ART 455 Painting (5)


    • ART 456 Watercolor (5)


    • ART 460 Printmaking (5)


Biology Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Bo Idsardi | 509.359.6512 |

Biology Department Website



  • BIOL 171 Biology I (5)
  • BIOL 172 Biology II (5)
  • BIOL 173 Biology III (5)
  • BIOL 270 Biological Investigation (3)
  • BIOL 310 Fundamentals of Genetics (5)
  • BIOL 340 Biology and Society (2)
  • BIOL 380 Data Analysis for Biologists OR Math 141 Precalculus I OR Math 380 Elementary Probability and Statistics (5)
  • BIOL 423 Evolution (5)
  • BIOL 440 Ecology (4)
  • BIOL 441 Ecology Laboratory (2)

Select One:

  • BIOL 301 Microbiology (5)
  • BIOL 302 Botany (5)
  • BIOL 303 Invertebrate Zoology (5)
  • BIOL 304 Vertebrate Zoology (5)
Chemistry Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Ashley Lamm | 509.359.7932 |

Chemistry Department Website



  • CHEM 151 General Chemistry I (5)
  • CHEM 152 General Chemistry II (5)
  • CHEM 153 General Chemistry III (5)
  • CHEM 390 Chemical Methods in Secondary School (2)
  • SCED 390 Science Teaching Methods (2)

Select nine (9) credits minimum from the following:

  • CHEM 304 Quantitative Analysis (6)
  • CHEM 316 Environment Chemistry (5)
  • CHEM 351 Organic Chemistry I (4)
  • CHEM 352 Organic Chemistry II (4)
  • CHEM 372 Organic Chemistry Lab I (3)
  • CHEM 421 Physical Chemistry (4)
  • CHEM 480 Biochemistry (5)
Earth and Space Science Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Sharen Keattch | 509.359.7358 |

Earth and Space Science Department Website



  • GEOG 305 Introduction to Oceanography (5)
  • GEOG 314 Weather and Climate (5)
  • GEOL 120 Physical Geology: The Solid Earth (5)
  • GEOL 121 Physical Geology: Surficial Processes (5)
  • GEOL 122 Historical Geology (5)
  • GEOL 391 Middle School and Earth and Space Science Methods (3)
  • PHYS 121 Descriptive Astronomy (5)
  • SCED 390 Secondary Science Teaching Methods (2)
English Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Sean Agriss | 509.359.6863 |

Advisor: Beth Torgerson | 509.359.6038 |

English Department Website



  • ENGL 271 Introduction to Poetry (5)
  • ENGL 350 Shakespeare (5)
  • ENGL 408 The Composition Process (5)
  • ENGL 459 Grammar for Teachers (5)
  • ENGL 490 Senior Capstone
  • ENGL 493 Teaching Literature to Adolescents

Select one of the following:

  • ENGL 270 Introduction to Fiction (5)
  • ENGL 273 Critical Methodologies (5)

Select one of the following:

  • ENGL 340 Survey of British Literature I (5)
  • ENGL 341 Survey of British Literature II (5)
  • ENGL 342 Survey of British Literature III (5)
  • ENGL 343 Survey of American Literature I (5)
  • ENGL 344 Survey of American Literature II (5)
English as a Second Language Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Gina Petrie | 509.359.6124 |

English as a Second Language Department Website



  • ENGL 360 Language Structure and Use (5)
  • ESLG 480 Second Language Acquisition (4)
  • ESLG 481 Methods and Materials in English as a Second Language or Foreign Language (4)
  • ESLG 486 English as a Second Language Practicum (6)
  • ESLG 488 Second Language Print Literacy Theories (3)
  • ESLG 489 Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom (4)
  • ESLG 492 Second Language Literacy Placement and Assessment (3)

Select One (ESLG 471 recommended if seeking State of Washington ESOL Endorsement):

  • ESLG 471 Teaching English Across the Disciplines or ESLG 472 Teaching English for Specific Purposes (3)
Environmental Education Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Kathryn Baldwin | 509.359.6092 |



  • ENVS 100 Introduction to Environmental Science (5)
  • BIOL 320 The Human Prospect or HUMN 320 The Human Prospect or PHIL 447 Environmental Ethics (5)
  • EDUC 440 Seminar in Environmental Education and Sustainability (2)
  • EDUC 490A Natural Resources (4)
  • GEOL 380 World Resources and Population (4)
  • TECH 454 Environmental Engineering (4)
French Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Florian Preisig | 509.359.6001 |

French Department Website



  • FREN 201 Second Year French I (5)
  • FREN 202 Second Year French II (5)
  • FREN 203 Second Year French III (5)
  • FREN 305 French Conversation I or FREN 306 French Conversation II (2)
  • FREN 310 Advanced Grammar and Composition (4)
  • FREN 320 French Civilization and Culture (4) or FREN 321 Contemporary France (4)
  • GNML 390 Foreign Language Methods (4)
German Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Wayne Kraft | 509.359.2859 |

Advisor: Sally Winkle | 509.359.2409 | 

German Department Website



  • GERM 201 Second Year German I (5)
  • GERM 202 Second Year German II (5)
  • GERM 203 Second Year German III (5)
  • GNML 390 Foreign Language Methods (4)

Select two of the following:

  • GERM 305 German Conversation (2)
  • GERM 310 Advanced Grammar and Composition I (3)
  • GERM 311 Advanced Grammar and Composition II (3)

Select one of the following:

  • GERM 320 German Civilization and Culture I (3)
  • GERM 321 German Civilization and Culture II (3)
  • GERM 331 Contemporary Issues (3)

Select one of the following:

  • GERM 330 Selections of German Writings (3)
  • GERM 430
  • GERM 431
  • GERM 432
  • GERM 433
  • GERM 434
History Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Jacki Hedlund Tyler | 509.359.6025|

Social Studies Department Website



  • HIST 104 East Asia: Tradition and Transformation OR HIST 365 Latin America History (5)
  • HIST 105 Western Heritage: Origins to the 18th Century (5)
  • HIST 106 Western Heritage: 18th Century to the Present (5)
  • HIST 303 U.S. History 1607-1877 (5)
  • HIST 304 U.S. History 1877-Present (5)
  • HIST 483 History and Government of the Pacific Northwest (5)
Middle Level Mathematics Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Barbara Alvin | 509.359.2203 |

Mathematics Department Website



  • EDUC 417 Culture of Middle School (3)
  • MATH 114 Algebra Concepts (5)
  • MATH 211 Structure of Elementary Mathematics I (5)
  • MATH 212 Structure of Elementary Mathematics II (5)
  • MATH 311 Functions and Relations from K-8 Teachers (5)
  • MATH 312 Geometry for the K-8 Teacher (5)
  • MATH 411 Discrete Mathematics for K-8 Teachers (4)
  • MATH 413 Data Analysis and Probability for Middle Level Teachers (3)
  • MATH 416 Calculus for Middle Level Teachers (4)
  • MATH 420 Problem Solving for K-8 Teachers (4)
  • MTED 412 Advanced Methods of Teaching K-8 Mathematics (5)
  • MTED 490B Senior Capstone: Secondary Practicum (5)
Music Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Kristina Ploeger | 509.359.7028|

Music Department Website



  • MUSC 101 Music Theory I (3)
  • MUSC 102 Music Theory II (3)
  • MUSC 103 Music Theory III (3)
  • MUSC 104 Sight Singing and Aural Skills I (1)
  • MUSC 105 Sight Singing and Aural Skills II (1)
  • MUSC 106 Sight Singing and Aural Skills III (1)
  • MUSIC 108 Instruction on Instrument or Voice (3)
  • MUSC 120 Piano Class I for Majors (1)
  • MUSC 212 Music in the Humanities (5)

Select one ensemble to repeat three times:

  • MUSE 320 Marching Band (1)
  • MUSE 321 Wind Ensemble (1)
  • MUSE 322 Symphonic Band (1)
  • MUSE 330 Orchestra (1)
  • MUSE 340 Symphonic Choir (1)
  • MUSE 341 Concert Choir (1)

Select six (6) additional credits of coursework. Must be approved by advisor.

Physics Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Brian Houser | 509.359.7005|

Physics Department Website



  • PHYS 151 General Physics I (4)
  • PHYS 152 General Physics II (4)
  • PHYS 153 General Physics III (4)
  • PHYS 161 Mechanics Laboratory (1)
  • PHYS 162 Heat and Optics Laboratory (1)
  • PHYS 163 Instrumentation Lab I (1)
  • PHYS 164 Instrumentation Lab II (1)
  • PHYS 221 General Physics IV (4)
  • PHYS 495 Internship (4-5)
Spanish Endorsement


The following coursework must be completed in addition to the Secondary Education Core.

Advisor: Jose Sanchez | 509.359.2862|

Advisor: Natalia Rubio | 509.359.7955|

Spanish Department Website



  • SPAN 201 Second-Year Spanish I (5)
  • SPAN 202 Second-Year Spanish II (5)
  • SPAN 203 Second-Year Spanish III (5)

Select two (2) credits above SPAN 300.