
Pexels photo of mountain top. It is covered in snow.

Accreditation is a mark of quality.

Accreditation is designed to ensure the public that a university or academic program has undergone a rigorous review process and found to meet high standards for educational quality.

There are two types of accreditation: institutional and specialized.

Institutional accreditation applies to the whole university and all of its constituent parts. It is conferred by one of six regional accrediting bodies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. EWU’s regional accreditor is the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). To learn more about institutional accreditation, go to How College Accreditation Works or Regional Accreditation: What it Is and Why It’s Important When Choosing a College.

Specialized accreditation applies to a single degree program. In order to receive specialized accreditation, an academic program must be housed in a regionally accredited institution. Not all academic programs have an affiliated specialized accrediting body. Typically, only programs that confer pre-professional or professional degrees do, such as, business, engineering, and mental health counseling.

Eastern Washington University has been continuously accredited by NWCCU since 1919 and has more than two dozen accredited programs. Find information on EWU’s institutional accreditation here, and its accredited programs here.