Youth Camp Application

Setting up a youth camp at EWU involves several university activities and requires strict adherence to EWU’s policies.  This webpage is designed to provide you with a guide/checklist to help you through the process in as straightforward a manner as possible.

Step 1: Review Requirements

All Youth Camps held at EWU must comply with university policies, standards, and processes.

Before you request a youth camp, you should understand these requirements, particularly EWU’s policy on Youth Programs which includes many specific requirements for youth camps, such as:

  1. Camp Staff & Volunteer Screening & Training
  2. Camp Staff & Camper Ratios
  3. Care & Custody of Campers
  4. Safety, Security & Transportation
  5. Required Documentation

Step 2: Submit Camp Request

After submitting your request, the Event Planning Office will follow up with you.

To begin the process for setting up your camp, simply complete the online camp request form through the Event Planning office.

Step 3: Coordination and Follow Up

Timely coordination and follow up with the Event Planning Office is extremely important to the success of a youth camp.  Coordinating housing, meals, classrooms, and recreational facilities that you want for your camp depends primarily on your consistent and timely coordination with the Event Planning Office.