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Music Technology, BA (2023-24)

Music Technology, BA

For more details on the program, visit the links below:


The following curriculum map is plan for a new student with zero credits. If you have any transfer work, AP credits, Running Start credits, or any other type of college level coursework, your plan will be different. Please always connect with your advisor and faculty mentor to double check you are on the correct path! Also, if you are required to take pre-university level courses, your plan will be different too.

Year 1

Fall QuarterCreditsWinter QuarterCreditsSpring QuarterCredits
MUSC 1013MUSC 1023MUSC 1033
MUSC 1041MUSC 1051MUSC 1061
MUSC 117 or MUSC 1201MUSC 1100MUSC 1100
Music Elective1Music Elective1Music Elective1
MUSC 1100ENGL 2015Humanities & Arts BACR 25
ENGL 1015Math 1075Social Science BACR 15
Humanities & Arts BACR 15
Credit Total:16Credit Total:15Credit Total:15
Milestones: Declare your major with the Program Director
Consult with your music advisor on music elective options
Milestones: Meet with your assigned music advisor to ensure you have a course plan.
Milestones: Work with your applied instructor to determine a possible chamber group, jazz combo or Pop Combo for next year.

Year 2

Fall QuarterCreditsWinter QuarterCreditsSpring QuarterCredits
MUSC 3613MUSC 3623MUSC 3663
MUSC 1100DESN 3845DESN 3855
Social Science BACR 25MUSC 1100MUSC 1100
Natural Science BACR 15Natural Science BACR 25Global Studies5
Music Elective2Music Elective2Music Elective2
Credit Total:15Credit Total:15Credit Total:15

Year 3

Fall QuarterCreditsWinter QuarterCreditsSpring QuarterCredits
MUSC 1100MUSC 1100MUSC 1100
MUSC 3633MUSC 3643MUSC 3673
ENTP 3874ENTP 3884ENTP 3894
Diversity 5any level elective/foreign language/minor5any level elective/foreign language/minor5
any level elective/foreign language/minor5any level elective/foreign language/minor5any level elective/foreign language/minor5
Credit Total:17Credit Total:17Credit Total:17
Milestones:Meet with your music advisor to ensure everything is on track.
Consider a music internship as one of your music elective options.
Meet with your music advisor to discuss a final capstone project/topic

Year 4

Fall QuarterCreditsWinter QuarterCreditsSpring QuarterCredits
MUSC 1100MUSC 4113MUSC 1100
MUSC 4103MUSC 4904MUSC 4893
MUSC 3863MUSC 1100MUSC 4933
any level elective/foreign language/minor5any level elective/foreign language/minor5any level elective/foreign language/minor5
any level elective/foreign language/minor2any level elective/foreign language/minor1any level elective/foreign language/minor1
Credit Total:13Credit Total:13Credit Total:12
Milestones:Do a degree audit with the Music Program director to ensure everything is in line for graduation.Consider submitting your capstone project for the Creative Works Symposium in Spring term.