Program Review Timeline

Year One:

  • Winter Quarter
    • The Director of Assessment and Accreditation (the Program Review Committee ex officio) updates the docket of programs to be reviewed during the upcoming seven years, posts it to the web, and informs the Faculty Organization Office.
  • Spring Quarter
    • Notification. The Program Review Committee (PRC) chair informs the provost and relevant deans, associate deans, department chairs, and program directors about which programs are scheduled to be reviewed in the following academic year.
    • Postponement Request. Programs that want to postpone their review are to submit their postponement request to the PRC chair no later than the PRC’s first May meeting.
      • The name of the current PRC chair can be found here
      • The request, which is to be signed by the dean, is to provide the rationale for the postponement. A program representative must attend the first May PRC meeting to answer the committee’s questions about the request.

Year Two:

  • Fall Quarter
    • The program submits its self-study report and proposed seven-year plan electronically to the PRC no later than the end of the fall quarter. In addition, it designates a faculty member in the field at a different university who can serve as an external reviewer (optional).
  • Winter Quarter
    • External Reviewer (optional): Early in the quarter, the department chair or program director will set a date for the external reviewer’s review-by-Zoom. He or she will then  inform the PRC. The department chair/program director will provide the external reviewer with the self-study report, proposed seven-year plan, and other appropriate materials prior to the Zoom review date.
      • The external reviewer is to send his/her report to the Director of Assessment and Accreditation (the PRC ex officio) before the end of winter quarter. The director will distribute the report to the department chair, dean, provost, and Faculty Organization Office.
    • Dean Meeting. At the end of the winter quarter, the dean (or his/her designee) will meet with the department and PRC to discuss the self-study report, seven-year plan, and external reviewer’s report.
  • Spring Quarter
    • Dean’s Report. Early in the spring quarter, the dean (or his/her designee) will submit written comments to the program and PRC.
    • Program’s Response to External Report. The faculty will prepare a written response to the external reviewer’s report and, if needed, revise and finalize its seven-year plan. Two hard copies and one electronic copy of these two documents are due to the Director of Assessment and Accreditation (the PRC ex officio) and Faculty Organization Office no later than May 15th.
      • Any three-year reports submitted to the PRC since the prior seven-year program review should also be sent to the parties. The documents are to be formatted in accordance with the PRC’s specifications and should include a department/program summary page. The PRC will notify the provost and college dean if a program’s submission is not received by the deadline.

Year Three:

  • Fall Quarter
    • The PRC will set a meeting date for department/program representatives to meet with the PRC to discuss the review materials. These meetings will continue through the Fall and Winter Quarters, as needed.
  • Winter Quarter
    • The PRC will forward all program reviews completed during the prior academic year to the Academic Senate for review and approval.
  • Spring Quarter
    • The provost (or designee) will convene Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) meetings. The PRC expects by May 30th, the program review will have garnered Academic Senate approval and a MOU will be signed by the provost (or designee) and the program.
  • Summer Quarter
    • The provost forwards the MOU to the University president for his or her action and for the recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

The program review cycle starts each Winter Quarter!