Graduate Faculty

Graduate faculty status is required to teach graduate courses, direct master’s theses, chair graduate committees, serve as a second member of a graduate committee, or serve as a field supervisor.

Faculty must obtain graduate faculty status prior to engaging in the aforementioned activities. There are six types of graduate faculty appointments: Primary, Secondary, Affiliate, Exempt-Primary, Exempt-Secondary and Graduate Affairs Council Representatives. You should become familiar with Policy 303-26 – Graduate Faculty.  Work with you department chair to ensure that you keep your faculty’s graduate status current.

The nomination form may be found here.  Instructions include:


  1. the completed form to the director for Graduate Studies or designee at
  2. the applicant’s current CV highlighting the evidence being used in support of the current request:
    • a)  record of professional experience appropriate to the faculty member’s field and an earned doctorate or other advanced degree considered appropriate by the academic department for mentoring graduate students (satisfies GACR and Affiliate);
    • b)  record of professional experience appropriate to the faculty member’s field or demonstrated effective teaching as per department standards, and an earned doctorate or other advanced degree considered appropriate by the academic department for mentoring graduate students (satisfies Secondary);
    • c)  requirements from ”b” AND two demonstrated scholarly activities in the last five years (satisfies Primary).

It is important to consider whether the faculty member has current graduate faculty status before assigning him or her to a graduate-level course. Nominations are made by the Department Chair.

Graduate Faculty Checklist

Graduate Faculty Status List

Academic departments with graduate programs or that provide supporting faculty for other graduate programs must develop standards and procedures for recommending faculty for Full and Associate Graduate Faculty status.

Department procedures must identify the supporting documents that are required for each request. Department procedures should also provide specific examples of documents that could be used to demonstrate the faculty member’s teaching effectiveness, scholarship, research or artistic creation, and/or professional experience.

Department procedures must be approved by the Dean and submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies as a component of the department and/or college policies and procedures.

Department procedures should include standards and processes covering both granting and revocation of graduate faculty status.

  1. To nominate graduate faculty, complete the Graduate Faculty Status Nomination form and submit it to the Office of Graduate Studies via email 
  2. The Office of Graduate Studies reviews the file, ensures all requirements are met, and adds it to the agenda for the next GAC
  3. The Office of Graduate Studies receives record of all approvals/denials and notifies the Department Chair, who then will inform the faculty

It is important to consider whether the faculty member has current graduate faculty status before assigning him or her to a graduate-level course. Nominations are made by the Department Chair.