Get Involved

Sponsor Get Lit!

As part of Eastern Washington University, we receive office space, computers, the salary and benefits for one-full time staff position (Get Lit! director) and a stipend for one graduate student assistant. We are grateful to the EWU College of Arts, Letters, and Education for that support. Every year we seek sponsorship from university programs and departments, community partners, local businesses, and individual donors like you. These sponsorships help pay for author honorariums, author travel and lodging, venues, marketing efforts, posters, t-shirts, bookmarks, and more.

Please contact us at if you are interested in sponsoring an event through time, space, or funds. Your organization will receive recognition and thanks on our website, in our Festival Guide (distributed by The Inlander), on our festival PowerPoint which plays at our headlining readings, during our full day of events at the Montvale Events Center, in the JFK Library during our mini-festival in Cheney, on our social media platforms, and more.

Check out our 2024 Sponsors and Community Partners


Interested in volunteering for the Get Lit! Festival? With over 70 authors taking part in over 40 events throughout the week, we need all the help we can get! Our volunteers help us prepare for events, staff our information tables, sell t-shirts, direct attendees to events, introduce authors, and more. E-mail for more information.


College students from local colleges and universities are encouraged to apply for an internship with Get Lit! Programs. Our internship provides valuable experience with writing content, editing, design work, event planning, grant writing, social media management, marketing and public relations, community outreach, and more. Our internships are unpaid, and for-credit only. Please e-mail for more information.


Submissions for the 2025 festival are open! Click here to learn more and submit.


Get Lit! Programs exists because of the generosity of the Spokane community over the past 26 years, and we couldn’t be more grateful. Every year, we have so much to celebrate: our incredible staff of graduate & undergraduate students, our loyal volunteers, the local businesses & foundations who support us, the local writers who donate their time & expertise, and so many others. Thank you so much for contributing to Get Lit! Programs! Click the link below to help us build our next festival.

Donate to Get Lit!