Mycelis muralis

Scientific Name Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort. Family Asteraceae Common Names wall lettuce Eastern Washington Introduced Conservation Status Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Layia glandulosa

Scientific Name Layia glandulosa (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. Family Asteraceae Common Names white daisy, tidytips, white layia Eastern Washington Native Conservation Status Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Senecio vulgaris

Scientific Name Senecio vulgaris L. Family Asteraceae Common Names old man in the spring, common groundsel Eastern Washington Introduced Synonyms None Conservation Status Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Tragopogon floccosus

Scientific Name Tragopogon floccosus Waldst. & Kit. Family Asteraceae Common Names woolly goatsbeard Eastern Washington Introduced Synonyms None Conservation Status Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.