Welcome to AUAP!
Asia University America Program 亜細亜大学アメリカプログラム
About the Asia University America Program (AUAP)
The Asia University America Program at Eastern Washington University, a unique component of Asia University, Tokyo, Japan, provides students with an opportunity to participate in an innovative study abroad program. The goals of the program are to develop students’ communicative competence in the English language, to promote intercultural awareness, and to provide students with the opportunity to live in, study about and experience another culture.
Since 1989, over 4,000 students from Asia University have attended Eastern Washington University.
When do students arrive?
AUAP students come in two cohorts, called “cycles,” every year. Cycle 1 comes from late February to mid-July, and Cycle 2 comes from early September to early February.
What are AUAP classes?
AUAP students take classes in intensive English focusing on content areas such as U.S. history, American life, and global issues. Students also prepare for the TOEIC (a standardized English test) preparation.
How can I get involved?
Eastern Washington University students serve as peer advisors, campus friends, roommates, and volunteers in the AUAP classroom.

The Eastern Washington Experience
Eastern Washington University is located in the Inland Northwest, a region of North America that is home to mountain ranges, grasslands, waterfalls, and a wide range of cultural experiences specific to the American West. Cheney (where EWU is located) is a classic American college town with a great selection of American and Mexican food options. On-campus activities include both intramural sports and high-level competitive sporting events (many AUAP students join the student section at these events to cheer on the EWU teams!), as well as an exciting system of clubs and organizations—these provide extensive learning opportunities and community-building activities for students of many various interests.