Abstract Submission

Psychology Student Research Conference Abstract Submission

  • A note to users

    All material must be entered and submitted in one sitting. This form does NOT allow applicants to save their progress. As a results, we ask that applicants draft and save the abstract outside of this form. That way, no information is lost if an error occurs while entering information in this system. We also recommend that applicants collect the contact information for all student authors and the sponsoring advisor before entering them in this form. This includes the name, college affiliation and email address of each author.
  • First Student Author Contact Information

  • Primary Contact

  • One student author and the sponsoring advisor will be emailed all communication about the Psychology Student Research Conference. Please include the name of the student author who should receive all emails.
  • Sponsoring Advisor Contact Information

  • Abstract

  • Please limit your response to 1800 characters.
    0 of 1800 max characters