AIDS Memorial Quilt Tours

AIDS Memorial Quilt Tour Registration

  • The Pride Center is bringing panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt to EWU starting Monday, November 27th and ending Friday, December 1st. We invite you to join us to tour the display and learn more about the quilts and their history. Please use this form to sign up for a group/class tour of the AIDS Memorial Quilt display. Begin by providing us with a little more information about yourself below. Send any questions, comments, or concerns to Maggie Harty, Student Equity and Belonging Coordinator, at Thank you!
  • What is the name and email of the person we should contact regarding your group’s tour?
  • What is the name of your group or class?
  • Is there any specific information you would like your tour to focus on? This could be information on the quilts and their history, the AIDS epidemic as a whole, etc.
  • Tours take between 10 and 15 minutes. Please indicate what days and times you and your group is available for a tour. Once we have received your registration we will confirm your tour date and time via email. We are also offering general, open to the public tours between 10AM and 4PM every hour on the hour.