Visual Art

Please email all submissions to:

*If submitting to multiple genres, please send each submission in a separate email. 

Visual Art & Photography Submission Guidelines

*We are currently only accepting submissions from undergraduate students of Eastern Washington University. Follow us on social media and we will announce if this changes!

Submitting to multiple genres is accepted and encouraged. Please send each genre submission in a separate email. Make sure to follow the correct guidelines for each corresponding genre.

 General Submission Guidelines

Artists may only submit their own original work which has not been distributed by any other publisher. If we accept your work, you will retain copyright in the event you wish to expand/improve upon your piece. Works in our magazine will not be published in any other magazine.

Artists must only submit on behalf of themselves, if there is any confirmation (or even suspicion) of plagiarism, your artwork will be put on hold for additional review and possibly discarded.

Submitting to multiple genre’s is accepted. Please send each genre submission in a separate email.


JPEG., JPG., PNG. and TIF. files are required for acceptance, however, if a PDF. file type is your only option feel free to contact us and we will consider making an exception.

Minimum 300 DPI (dots per inch) per file.

The file should have the title of your piece and your full name. [Title],[First name] [Last name].
Example: The Tower,  John Smith

Email Subject Line: “[First name] [Last name] – [Genre]”
Example: Joan Didion – Photography

You may also include an optional 100-200-word bio in the body of your email; this bio may include your name, a brief explanation of your creative process, field of study, inspirations, a short biography, or whatever else you feel is important to your work. Please be appropriate.

Art Submission Rules

Art is an extremely broad subject, there are as many forms of art as there are people and we are looking for as much variety, contrast, and diversity in style as you can give us.

  • Any style/medium of art is acceptable, examples include: Representational, Abstract, Non-representational, General associative, Symbolism, Fantasy, Steampunk, Science Fiction, Modernism, Narrative and Sensual (within stipulated limitations). Examples of mediums include: digital artwork, scanned file of traditional artwork, photography, collage, photos of paintings, and photos of sculptures.
  • If you are submitting a photo of a traditional artwork, please ensure that it is of the highest quality possible. Include good lighting. If possible, feel free to edit the photo in a software such as Photoshop in order to ensure a crisp and clear image.

We are aware that some work may include disturbing imagery, this will not increase or decrease your likelihood of acceptance. If your submission contains any generally disturbing content, please include a content warning in the body of your email, separate from your optional bio and title. An example such as: “warning, artwork depicts violent/disturbing content” would be acceptable. Any failure to provide such a warning to our staff will result in a total dismissal of your submission and may impact future review and acceptance of your work. Additionally, any work that contains pornography will be completely disregarded regardless of content warning and any future submissions by that individual will be utterly dismissed (note that artwork containing nudity is not included among these rejection criteria and will still be reviewed).

This magazine is meant to be as accessible, flexible, and diverse as possible for every member of Eastern Washington University’s community. Acceptance of submissions will be contingent on the content of your artwork regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, etc., but please know that we will be looking at the quality of the work rather than the biographical information of the author when making decisions on what to publish.

Preferred/Pen Names

If you have a preferred first/last name that is not your legal name, please use your preferred name instead of your legal name for both the subject of your email and the titles of your submission documents.

Clarify in the body of your email if you want to use a pen name (a name other than the one you put in the subject of your email) under which you want your work to be published.

Additional Information

You do not need to be an Art Major to be able to submit art pieces for consideration. You need not disclose whether or not you are an art major or have any background in art in your bio, but you are free to do so if you please.

We will reach out via email to alert you of your submission status. It may take several weeks to adequately review your work.

If we do consider publishing your art, we may include some suggested edits to your work. Please realize that these suggested edits will likely be related to formatting in your artwork, not the themes of the piece itself.

We are extraordinarily excited for your submissions as an artist/photographer and we look forward to working with as many people in our community as we can!