Frequently Asked Questions

Program Overview

The EWU Noyce program is funded through the NSF and provides up to two years of tuition (approximately $13,000 per year) and two years of support while teaching (approximately $1,000 per year).

Who is eligible to apply?

To be eligible for this award, you must:

  • Be enrolled in a STEM program at EWU
  • Be enrolled in teaching endorsed BAE program in Math, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, or Physics.
  • Be willing to teach STEM in underserved communities after the program

Can I complete these two degrees in 4 years?

Yes! Talk to an advisor in your content area as soon as possible, they can help make sure to get you on the right track!

Who should I contact for help with an academic plan for Noyce?

See the Noyce advisors, they can help plan out the classes you need to qualify for this scholarship.

Who administers this program?

Check out the team here.

When is the deadline?

The application is due annually in May. The official deadline will be posted on the main Noyce page.

What is the selection criteria for the scholarship?

Selection will be dependent upon a set of criteria that includes need, under-representation, academic achievement, and interest in working with children in high-needs schools.

What are my responsibilities if I’m chosen as a Noyce Scholar?

In exchange for receiving the Robert Noyce Scholarship, Noyce Scholars will be required to complete two (2) years of service as a STEM teacher for each year full scholarship was received, with a maximum service requirement of six (6) years. This need to be completed within eight (8) years after graduation from the baccalaureate degree program for which the scholarship was awarded.

Service required under this Scholarship Agreement must be performed in a High-Need Local Educational Agency.

Scholars are also expected to attend monthly meetings, participate in quarterly rotations that work with outstanding mentors in K-12 schools, complete modules, summer book club, and respond to requests for data that need to be reported to the NSF. 

Can I combine this scholarship with other scholarships I’m receiving?


Is this award renewable?

No. However, Noyce scholars may be awarded funding for up to two years of their undergraduate degree. 

How will I be notified of about my application?

You will be emailed to your EWU account.