General Questions

Being in Honors is more than just being a good student academically. It means you are driven to challenge yourself and to think critically on issues that are prevalent in the world today. You are not only just academically driven, bit you are also actively seeking leadership roles and have a desire to use your strengths to better yourself and the community around you.

If you are curious and motivated, and want to be in classes with many other motivated students, and if you also want to grow your leadership and critical thinking skills, then EWU Honors is right for you.

As an Honors student, you will be able to take small classes that are much more discussion based and challenge your ability to think critically. We offer courses that are flexible, so you can still complete your degree while in Honors, and we have multiple co-curricular opportunities such as research, community engagement, study abroad and leadership.

This is not an Honors Society, it is a Program designed for students to take classes with like-minded individuals in a more seminar-based environment. An Honors Society is a paid membership, our program does not charge you money to be a part of it.

EWU has two chapters, Phi Eta Sigma and Phi Kappa Phi that the Honors Program works with to induct students (you do not have to be an Honors student to be inducted). These are invitation only Societies.

For more on Phi Kappa Phi’s EWU Chapter: visit here

For more information on Honors Society please visit:

If an Honors student received an Honors scholarship, they are required to maintain a GPA of 3.5 at the end of the year to continue receiving the scholarship. Please come see us if you are struggling in your coursework!

Yes, we work closely with our students to ensure that they are able to complete their degree. We offer flexible courses that work with your timeline in order to satisfy the Honors requirements without hindering your degree completion.

Credits earned prior to entry at EWU will not count as Honors coursework, but are likely to still be accepted for your degree.

EWU Honors classes are usually smaller seminar-style classes, with more focus on student discussion. Students in the class get to know each other and study and socialize together outside of class. Faculty who teach Honors courses tend to use more innovative and interdisciplinary approaches.

No, we do not charge our students to be in our program, nor does it raise the price of tuition.

Campus Involvement

Not at this time, but if you are interested in sharing a dorm room with another Honors student, please email Dori Roberts and we will help you find a roommate who is also in Honors.

We have multiple opportunities for students to be involved with Honors outside of the classroom. We offer an Honors club, as well as several other committees that cover various different areas of interest that Honors students may have. These include community engagement, picture and video taking, a newsletter, leadership, advisory board, outreach for new students, and campus ambassadors.

Yes, there is an Honors club that we are offering starting this year! There are also other opportunities if you aren’t interested in the club, or perhaps are interested in more than just the club! We have plenty of opportunities for our students to be involved outside of the classroom with Honors! If you’re interested in joining the EWU Honors Club go here: EWU Honors