Listera cordata

Scientific Name Listera cordata (L.) R. Br. Family Orchidaceae Common Names heart-leaf listera, heart-leaf twayblade Eastern Washington Native Synonyms Conservation Status Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Epipactis gigantea

Scientific Name Epipactis gigantea Dougl. ex Hook. Family Orchidaceae Common Names giant helleborine Eastern Washington Native Conservation Status State of Washington Watch List; Idaho Priority 2 (S3); Location hidden. Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Neottia banksiana

Scientific Name Neottia banksiana (Lind.) Rchb. f. Family Orchidaceae Common Names northwestern twayblade Eastern Washington Native Conservation Status Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Calypso bulbosa

Scientific Name Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes Family Orchidaceae Common Names calypso, fairy-slipper Eastern Washington Native Synonyms Conservation Status State of Washington Watch List; Location hidden. Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Platanthera orbiculata

Scientific Name Platanthera orbiculata (Pursh) Lindley Family Orchidaceae Common Names large round-leaf orchid Eastern Washington Native Conservation Status State of Washington Watch List; Location hidden. Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Cypripedium montanum

Scientific Name Cypripedium montanum Dougl. ex Lindl. Family Orchidaceae Common Names mountain lady’s-slipper Eastern Washington Native Synonyms None Conservation Status State of Washington Watch List; Location hidden. Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.