Teacher Well-Being

  • Work-life balance
  • Student and colleague relationships
  • Financial stability


STEM teachers were asked to write what gave them day to day satisfaction, six themes emerged:

  • Overwhelmingly, student interactions was mentioned the most, including student learning and seeing them grow over the year.
  • Teacher also listed their day-to-day work schedule: They can take care of other life things during business hours from 3:30 – 5 which other jobs typically can’t; their work schedule aligns with their kids’ including holidays and breaks.
  • Teaching is a science; teachers constantly use their STEM skills as teachers!
  •  Strong relationships between fellow teachers, “other committed teachers make amazing coworkers and friends”
  • Learning content: Always learning new and emerging areas of my content. “Teaching provides the drive/reason to explore new and challenging areas of my content.”
  • Teachers get to decide what happens in their room.  There’s a lot of responsibility but it’s nice to be able to make all of the decisions (within basic guidelines) in my room.