
Brown, R. L., Charles, D., Horwitz, R. J., Pizzuto, J. E., Skalak, K., Velinsky, D. J., and D. D. Hart. 2024. Size-dependent effects of dams on river ecosystems, and implications for dam removal outcomes. Accepted, Ecological Applications

Brown, R. L., Charles, D., Horwitz, R. J., Pizzuto, J. E., Skalak, K., Velinsky, D. J., and D. D. Hart. 2024. Size-dependent effects of dams on river ecosystems, and implications for dam removal outcomes [Dataset]. Dryad. http://doi:10.5061/dryad.83bk3j9t1

Shafroth, P. B., Perry, L. G., Helfield, J. M., Chenoweth, J., and R. L. Brown. 2024. Vegetation responses to large dam removal on the Elwha River, Washington, USA. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12 doi: 10.3389/fevo.2024.1272921

Hoskins, E., Welti, E. A. R., and R. L. Brown. 2024. Lower diversity of forbs in prairie restoration alters pollinator communities but not structural characteristics of plant-pollinator networks. Restoration Ecology

Chenoweth, J., Shafroth, P. B., Brown, R. L., Helfield, J. M., Bauman, J. M., Cendejas-Zarelli, S., Werner, C. M., Schuster, J. L., and O. M. Morgan. 2023. A Review of Natural and Managed Revegetation Responses in Two De-watered Reservoirs after Large Dam Removals on the Elwha River, Washington, USA. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

Brown, R. L., Thomas, C. C., Cubley, E. S., Clausen, A. J., and P. B. Shafroth.  2022. Does large dam removal restore downstream riparian vegetation diversity? Testing predictions on the Elwha River, WA. Ecological Applications

Brown, R. L., Thomas, C., Cubley, E. S., Clausen, A. J. and P. B. Shafroth. 2022. Vascular plant diversity and associated environmental variables along the Elwha River, Washington, 2005-2017. U.S. Geological Survey data release. (published dataset)

Lamm, J., Bastow, J., Brown, R. L., Nezat, C., and A. Lamm. 2021. Short-term nutrient reduction reduces cover of an invasive winter annual grass without negatively impacting the soil microbial community Restoration Ecology

Kane W., Brown R. L., and J. Bastow. 2020. Monitoring the return of marine derived nitrogen to riparian areas in response to dam removal on the Elwha River, WA, USA. Northwest Science 94:118-128.

Cubley, E. S. and R. L. Brown. 2016. Restoration of Hydrochory Following Dam Removal on the Elwha River, Washington. River Research and Applications 32: 1566–1575, doi: 10.1002/rra.2999.

Brown, R. L., Reilly, L. A. J., and R. K. Peet. 2016. Species Richness: small scale (Second edition). In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK.

Gebauer, A., Brown, R. L., Schwab, S., Nezat, C., and C. McNeely. 2016.  Effects of an Invasive Grass (Phalaris arundinacea) on Water Availability in Semi-Arid Riparian Zones. Wetlands 36: 59-72.

Bryant, J. A. M., Reynecke, B., and R. L. Brown. 2013.  Geology and topography effects on exotic plant distribution in a semi-arid Mima mound prairie in eastern Washington.  Northwest Science 87: 12-23.

Nilsson, C., Brown, R. L., Jansson, R., and D. Merritt. 2010.  The role of hydrochory in structuring riparian and wetland vegetation.  Biological Reviews 85: 837-858.

Brown, R. L. and J. C. Smith. 2008. The Effect of Glines Canyon Dam on Hydrochorous Seed Dispersal in the Elwha River.  Northwest Science, Special Issue on the Elwha River, 82: 197-209.

Brown, R. L., Jacobs, L. A. J., and R. K. Peet.  2007.  Invited submission to Encyclopedia of Life Sciences: Species Richness: Small Scale.  John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.

Fridley, J. D., Brown, R. L. and J. F. Bruno.  2004.  Null models of species invasion and scale-dependent patterns of native and exotic species richness.  Ecology 85: 3215-3222.

Brown, R. L. and R. K. Peet.  2003.  Diversity and invasibility of southern Appalachian plant communities.  Ecology 84: 32-39. (Featured in an Ecological Society of America Press Release in January, 2003).

Brown, R. L. and J. D. Fridley. 2003.  Control of plant species diversity and community invasibility by species immigration: seed richness versus seed density.  Oikos 102: 15-24.

Wells, E. F. and R. L. Brown. 2000.  An Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants in the Forest at Historic Mount Vernon, Virginia: a legacy from the past.  Castanea 65: 242-257.

Wells, E. F. and R. L. Brown.  2000.  Naturalized alien plant species at Mount Vernon, Virginia.  Huntia 11: 31-53.