Chapter 172-125 WAC, Discrimination & Title IX Violations by Students

PART I: COMMITMENT TO NONDISCRIMINATION 172-125-010 Commitment to nondiscrimination and standards of conduct for students 172-125-020    Scope and jurisdiction 172-125-030    Reporting, resources & supportive measures 172-125-040    Complaints PART II: RESOLUTION OPTIONS & GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES 172-125-200    Informal resolution 172-125-210    Level one process 172-125-220    Level two process 172-125-230    Hearings before the student disciplinary council. 172-125-240    Appeals of … Read more

Chapter 172-121 WAC – Student Conduct Code

Effective: 08/01/2024 (for previous versions please contact the University Policy Administrator) PART I: ADMINISTRATION, APPLICATION, DEFINITIONS 172-121-010: Introduction 172-121-020: Definitions 172-121-021: Calculation of Time Periods 172-121-030: Rights of Students 172-121-040: Jurisdiction 172-121-050: External Authorities 172-121-060: Notification of Criminal Arrest 172-121-070: Conduct Review Officials 172-121-075: Conflicts of Interest 172-121-080: Administration and Records PART II: COMPLAINTS AND … Read more

Chapter 172-325 WAC – Environmental Policy

Link to Official Version at Washington State Legislature WAC Sections 172-325-010 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). 172-325-010 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). It is the policy of Eastern Washington University that any project shall be accomplished in compliance with chapter 43.21C RCW, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and in accordance with chapter 197-11 WAC, guidelines for the State … Read more

Chapter 172-191 WAC – Student Education Records

Link to Official Version at Washington State Legislature 172-191-010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish rules and procedures to comply with the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g. FERPA provides students with the following rights: (1) The right to inspect and review … Read more

Chapter 172-168 WAC – Library Policies

Link to Official Version at Washington State Legislature WAC Sections 172-168-010 Eastern Washington University libraries. 172-168-025 Eligible library users. 172-168-035 Conduct. 172-168-040 Inspection. DISPOSITION OF SECTIONS FORMERLY CODIFIED IN THIS TITLE 172-168-020 Selection of services, personnel, resources. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120. WSR 92-23-047, § 172-168-020, filed 11/16/92, effective 12/17/92; WSR 82-07-064 (Resolution No. 82-02), § 172-168-020, … Read more