Reporting View | Description | Key & Frequency | Recommended Search Columns |
| Contains detail data for the financial aid applicant's need information by aid year. Details will potentially include data loaded with calculations for total family contributions, gross need, cost of education and unmet need based on either a federal method or an institution method.One row per person per aid year.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID PERSON_UID | | |
| Contains expected enrollment status and if the period is locked or frozen for the student by aid enrollment period.One row per person per aid enrollment period.PERSON_UID,AID_ENROLLMENT_PERIOD EXPECTED_ENROLL_STATUS PERSON_UID,AID_YEAR,AID_PERIOD,AID_ENROLLMENT_PERIOD | | |
| Contains Financial Aid resource information and amounts available to financial aid applicants.One row per aid year per person per resource type per resource number.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID, RESOURCE_TYPE, RESOURCE_NUMBER AID_YEAR, APPLICANT_RESOURCE | | |
| Contains detail data for each person who was made an offer of financial aid within the aid year.One row per person per aid year per fund.PERSON_UID, AID_YEAR, FUND FUND, AID_YEAR | | |
| Contains total amount of aid awarded by financial aid fund within an aid year. Detail data may include the aid year, academic period, financial aid fund, fund source, fund type, fund detail code, and federal financial aid fund identification code.One row per aid year per fund.FUND, AID_YEAR AID_YEAR, FUND_SOURCE | | |
| Contains detail data for each person who was made an offer of a financial aid fund award within the aid year. Details may includes person, aid enrollment period, financial aid fund, fund source, fund type, fund detail code, award status, disbursement finalize indicator and award amount information. Also the accounts receivable and student academic periods.One row per person per aid year and per fund.PERSON_UID, FUND, AID_ENROLLMENT_PERIOD AID_ENROLLMENT_PERIOD PERSON_UID, FUND, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACADEMIC_PERIOD AID_YEAR, FUND_SOURCE FUND, AID_YEAR | | |
| Contains data regarding the award disbursements scheduled or posted for a person by financial aid fund and aid enrollment period. Details will include aid enrollment period, student academic period, accounts receivable academic period, disbursement ID, disbursed date, scheduled date, disbursed amount, scheduled amount, disbursed percentage and disbursement load. NOTE: the disbursement details do not currently include Loan Disbursement information.One row per person per aid year per disbursement ID or transaction number.PERSON_UID, AID_YEAR, FUND, AID_ENROLLMENT_PERIOD AID_YEAR, FUND, AID_ENROLLMENT_PERIOD PERSON_UID, AID_YEAR, FUND, ACADEMIC_PERIOD AID_YEAR, FUND, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains Direct loan subsidized usageOne row per person per aid year per loan id per sequence number.PERSON_UID,AID_YEAR,LOAN_ID,SEQUENCE_NUMBER DOCUMENT_ID PERSON_UID,AID_YEAR,LOAN_ID,SEQUENCE_NUMBER,CREATE_DATE | | |
| Contains data for the aid year and the person who has applied for financial aid for the aid year. The person may have submitted either or both a federal and institutional application for financial aid. Optionally the person may have the financial aid status record created without an application because of some other institutional process that required it to be created. Details may include application locked indicator, budget group, administrative group, packaging group, tracking group, financial aid application status data, and budget type.One row per aid year and person.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID PERSON_UID | | |
| Contains the budget component details for the person for the budget group assigned for the aid year. Details may include budget type, budget component amount, total budget.One row per aid year per budget type per budget component per budget group per person.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID, BUDGET_TYPE, BUDGET_COMPONENT | | |
| Uses data from the FINAID_BUDGET_COMPONENT reporting view. Displays up to 5 sets of values based on the defined display rule(s) with an internal group of BUDGET COMPS and a delivered or institution defined internal code. Delivered internal codes of FAPLBCMP may be used independently by the institution.One row per person per aid year per aid enrollment period per budget type per profile code per component rule.PERSON_UID,��AID_YEAR,AID_ENROLLMENT_PERIOD,BUDGET_TYPE,PROFILE_CODE,COMPONENT_RULE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains comments associated with a financial aid applicant.One row per person per sequence number.PERSON_UID, COMMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER AID_YEAR, COMMENT_CATEGORY | | |
| Contains details regarding the person's enrollment information by aid year, academic period, and finanical aid enrollment rule that is used as the data for why an award had financial aid disbursement. Data may include total anticipated credits, total actual credits, total billing credits, total freeze credits, total earned credits and total adjusted credits.One row per aid year per academic period per finaid enrollment rule per personPERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD AID_YEAR, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains data regarding a financial aid fund for an aid year. Details may include fund source, fund type, fund detail code, federal financial aid fund identification, need based indicator, budget allocated amount, transfer amount, prior balance, total allocated amount, original offered amounts, accepted amount, declined amount, canceled amount, authorized amount and memoed amount.One row per aid year per fund.AID_YEAR, FUND_SOURCE FUND, AID_YEAR | | |
| Contains all of the financial aid holds (restrictions) for a person.One row per person per hold from date per hold to date.PERSON_UID HOLD_USER_CREATOR HOLD_FROM_DATE, HOLD_TO_DATE HOLD_PACKAGING_IND HOLD_MEMO_IND HOLD_DISBURSEMENT_IND HOLD, HOLD_FROM_DATE, HOLD_TO_DATE | | |
| Contains message information provided to financial aid applicants.One row per Aid Year per person per message code.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID, MESSAGE, MESSAGE_SHORT_DESCRIPTION AID_YEAR, MESSAGE | | |
| Contains detail data on the tracking requirements for a financial aid applicant for the aid year. Data may include requirement, satisfied indicator, status, waived reason disbursement requirement indicators and memo indicator, etc.One row per aid year per person per requirement.PERSON_UID, AID_YEAR, REQUIREMENT, FUND AID_YEAR, REQUIREMENT, FUND | | |
| Contains information that displays the links between financial aid messages and specific funds and then displays the related messages provided to financial aid applicants.One row per aid year per fund per message per pidm.AID_YEAR, FUND, MESSAGE, COMMUNICATION AID_YEAR, MESSAGE AID_YEAR, COMMUNICATION | | |
| Contains a set of common data identified for known governmental reporting regarding a financial aid fund. Detail data includes aid year, financial aid source type, financial aid type with reporting group for external or internal.One row per aid year per academic period per financial aid source type per financial aid type per fund.FUND, AID_YEAR AID_YEAR | | |
| Contains common data identified for known governmental reporting regarding financial aid students. Detail data may include aid enrollment period, accounts receivable academic period, student academic period, student level, financial aid fund title or name, fund source type, financial aid type, offered amount, accepted amount, declined amount, paid amount, disbursed amount, etc.One row per aid year per aid enrollment period per fund per person.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACADEMIC_PERIOD PERSON_UID, FUND, AID_ENROLLMENT_PERIOD AID_ENROLLMENT_PERIOD PERSON_UID, FUND, ACADEMIC_PERIOD AID_YEAR FUND, AID_YEAR PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COHORT_RULE | | |
| Contains information received from the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) such as NSLDS summary and name information, and the Stafford, Direct, and Perkins loan aggregate and history information.One row per aid year, per person, per interface data code, per sequence number.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID, CURRENT_RECORD_IND AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID, INTERFACE_TAPE_CODE, SEQUENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains data from a loan application submitted by a person for an aid year. Detail data may include loan application number, citizen indicator, alien registration number, driver's license number, addresses, phone numbers, and detailed loan data for various loans.One row per aid year per loan application number.AID_YEAR, FUND PERSON_UID, FUND | | |
| The Loan Disbursement by aid enrollment period contains detail data for loan disbursements that were made within the aid enrollment period. Details may include person and person address; loan fund code and description; loan period and description; loan application number; aid enrollment period, accounts receivable term recommended, student academic period, expected and approved loan amount; loan status code; term disbursement date, sequence number, reference number, check number and amount; feed indicator; disbursement load; loan fee amounts; and disbursement rejects and edit fields.One row per person per aid enrollment period per fund per application number per disbursement date per disbursement.PERSON_UID, FUND, APPLICATION_NUMBER, AID_ENROLLMENT_PERIOD, SCHEDULED_DATE, DISBURSEMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER PERSON_UID, AID_ENROLLMENT_PERIOD, FUND, APPLICATION_NUMBER PERSON_UID, FUND, APPLICATION_NUMBER, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, SCHEDULED_DATE, DISBURSEMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER AID_YEAR, FUND | | |
| Contains loan disbursement detailsOne row per person per loan application no per disbursement number per disbursement sequence number per reconciliation batch number.PERSON_UID,LOAN_APPLICATION_NO,DISBURSEMENT_NUMBER,DISBURSEMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER,RECONCILIATION_BATCH_NUMBER DL_LOAN_ID PERSON_UID,LOAN_APPLICATION_NO,AID_YEAR,FUND | | |
| Contains data usually loaded from a federally supplied electronic media. Detail data will include all data collected regarding student need for the aid year and student. Data may include parental contribution, student contribution, interface tape code, application number, state/province of residence, and other need based data for doing need analysis either using a federal or institution method of calculation.One row per Aid Year per Person per Interface Tape Code per Application Number.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID, INTERFACE_TAPE_CODE, APPLICATION_NUMBER, CURRENT_RECORD_IND PERSON_UID | | |
| Contains demographic information about the student and parents from the financial aid application. Also contains information specific to the financial aid application itself.One row per Aid Year per Person per Interface Tape Code per Application Number.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID, INTERFACE_TAPE_CODE, APPLICATION_NUMBER, CURRENT_RECORD_IND | | |
| Contains information specific to the federal methodology for computing applicant need.One row per Aid Year per Person per Interface Tape Code per Application Number.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID, INTERFACE_TAPE_CODE, APPLICATION_NUMBER, CURRENT_RECORD_IND | | |
| Contains information specific to the institutional methodology of computing applicant need.One row per Aid Year per Person per Interface Tape Code per Application Number.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID, INTERFACE_TAPE_CODE, APPLICATION_NUMBER, CURRENT_RECORD_IND | | |
| Contains need analysis data specific to the Institutional Student Information Report.One row per Aid Year per Person per Interface Tape Code per Application Number.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID, INTERFACE_TAPE_CODE, APPLICATION_NUMBER, CURRENT_RECORD_IND | | |
| Descriptive text about the reporting view or composite table, fact or dimension table. This is used by the technical writer to pull into documentation as the Description for the view.One row per Aid Year per Person.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID | | |
| Additional Institutional Methodology Data.One row per Aid Year per Person per Interface Tape Code per Application Number.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID, INTERFACE_TAPE_CODE, APPLICATION_NUMBER, CURRENT_RECORD_IND | | |
| Contains the data from the financial aid user-defined fields that may be populated for the person without an aid year.One row per person.PERSON_UID | | |
| Contains the budget component details for the person for the budget group assigned for the aid year and aid enrollmentn period. Details may include budget type, budget component amount, total budget.One row per aid year per period per budget type per budget component per budget group per person.AID_YEAR,PERSON_UID,AID_ENROLLMENT_PERIOD,BUDGET_TYPE,BUDGET_COMPONENT | | |
| Contains data on the student's satisfactory academic progress for the aid year as defined by a federal standard for calculation. .One row per person per aid year per academic period.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains Student subsidized usage limitOne row per person per aid year per sequence number.PERSON_UID,AID_YEAR,SEQUENCE_NUMBER DOCUMENT_ID PERSON_UID,AID_YEAR,SEQUENCE_NUMBER,CREATE_DATE | | |
| Uses data from the FINAID_TRACKING_REQUIREMENT reporting view. Displays up to 3 sets of values based on the defined display rule(s) with an internal group of TRACKING REQS and a delivered or institution defined internal code. Delivered internal codes of FAPLTREQ may be used independently by the institution.One row per person per aid year per profile code per requirement rule.PERSON_UID, AID_YEAR, PROFILE_CODE, REQUIREMENT_RULE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains the data from the financial aid user-defined fields that may be populated by aid year for the person.One row per aid year per person.AID_YEAR, PERSON_UID PERSON_UID | | |