Steering Committee

  • Toni Habegger, AVP and CFO, Committee Chair
  • Samantha Armstrong-Ash, AVP and Dean of Students
  • Alan Coelho, Professor, Wellness and Movement Sciences
  • John Drexel, Director of Advancement Services
  • Kelly Evans, Associate Professor, Library
  • Logan Hamilton, ASEWU Finance Vice President
  • Alex Kelly, Senior Associate Athletic Director/CFO
  • Lance Potter, Associate Professor, School of Education
  • Esteban Rodriguez-Marek, Professor, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
  • Paul Weed, Director of Academic Affairs Planning and Budget

Steering Committee Support

  • Tammy Felicijan, Director of Budget Services

Committee Goals and Objectives

  • Collaborative Advisory Role. The committee will serve as a sounding board, providing diverse perspectives and expertise to inform the development of new budget models in collaboration with Moss Adams.
  • Iterative Process. The committee will embrace an iterative approach to the development of the budget models, allowing for continuous refinement and improvement based on feedback and evolving needs.
  • Review and Feedback. Members will actively engage in discussions to identify areas for improvement and provide constructive feedback to refine and enhance the proposed budget models. Through analysis and thoughtful critique, the committee will contribute to the creation of budget models that are adaptable, responsive, and aligned with the evolving needs of EWU.
  • Status Updates to Campus. The committee will provide regular status updates to campus constituents, keeping them informed of progress, milestones, and key decisions related to the development of the budget models. Through timely and transparent communication channels, the committee will promote accountability, trust, and engagement, ensuring that all stakeholders are informed and involved throughout the process.
  • Communication with Campus Constituents. In collaboration with the consultants, the committee will communicate and articulate the new budget models to campus constituents in a clear, transparent, and accessible manner. By proactively engaging with faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders, the committee will foster understanding, ownership, and support for the budget models across the university community.

Committee Approach

  • Composition. The Steering Committee will comprise representatives from various stakeholder groups within the university community, including faculty, staff, administrators, and potentially students, to ensure a broad spectrum of perspectives and expertise are considered in the decision-making process.
  • Guiding Principles. The committee will establish clear guiding principles to govern its work, promoting transparency, accountability, inclusivity, and innovation in the development of budget models.
  • Ongoing Communication. Regular meetings will be scheduled to facilitate continuous communication, track progress, and address emerging issues or challenges promptly. Transparent and open communication channels will be established to foster collaboration and ensure all stakeholders are engaged and informed throughout the process.