Stewart Book Scholarship

The Florence & Earle Stewart Book and Cultural Event Scholarship is offered to students at Eastern Washington University as a way “for students to begin building a personal lifetime library or to experience cultural activities to the symphony, theater, etc.”

Books awarded by this scholarship fund are intended for personal enrichment of recipient’s personal library and not an academic textbook.

The application portal for Spring 2024 applications is now closed.

Award decisions will be sent no later than May 15, 2024 for quarter students and May 2, 2024 for semester students.

Full-time EWU students can apply for scholarship funds up to $200 per academic year to receive one of the following:

  • One or two books
  • One ticket to a cultural event plus one book
  • One ticket to a cultural event

Application Guidelines

Student requirements

Any EWU student while registered full-time may apply for an award.

Award amounts

The total amount that may be awarded to an individual student for an academic year is $200. Case-by-case exceptions may be considered for exceptional circumstances. The application must describe the circumstance.

Financial Aid

If you are receiving financial aid, please be aware that receiving this award may affect your current or future aid package.

Textbooks are specifically excluded. Also excluded are materials which are essentially guides or manuals dealing with such items as instrumental course-related operations, information which pertains to specific changing or intermittent data or requirements, or to other ephemeral print, including periodical subscriptions.

The purchase of appropriate used books is encouraged; this practice serves to increase the benefit of the award with less cost.

Significant seminal books in a student’s academic specialization are also appropriate. The exclusion of textbooks would not apply to basic standard general or specialized reference works of continuing learning value. It is expected that the level of books requested will reflect the student’s own stage of intellectual or scholarly development, to be useful at once as well as later. Requests for materials proposed for use as examples in future career situations will be evaluated for their potential innate permanence and intellectual value.

Sets/series of books will not be considered unless the books in the set/series cannot be purchased individually.

Manuscripts or rare editions will not be considered.

Awards may be sought for purchase of tickets to extra-curricular events of “cultural enrichment” such as music and drama performances, symposia, and fine arts exhibits.

Expenses for travel, food, and housing related to grants for attendance at extra-curricular events cannot be awarded.

The Stewart Endowment allows only for those types of acquisition or cultural experience that are positively described herein. Such items (or events) as electronic or cinematic reproductions, collections of original art or artifacts, manuscripts or rare editions, or popular concerts will not be considered.

The Stewart Scholarship application portal for Spring 2024 is now closed.

Award decisions will be sent no later than May 15, 2024 for quarter students and May 2, 2024 for semester students.

Deadlines for applications will be announced for Fall, Winter, and Spring quarter at the beginning of each quarter. Applications will be open for two weeks. Awards are expected to be announced within 14 – 21 days after the application date closes. No awards are made for the Summer Session.

The distribution of funds from this endowment shall be made in accord with the stipulated uses and purposes as given above, and must be consistent with procedures of the University and Foundation.

Receiving Your Award

Award decisions will be sent no later than May 15, 2024 for quarter students and May 2, 2024 for semester students.

Awardees will be notified by the Provost office once the book has arrived. Notification will be sent to the student’s EWU email address.

Provide an electronic copy of the receipt in PDF format here.