Office of Community Engagement
Engage. Transform. Inspire.
* As of Fall 2024, the office is temporarily closed. We are excited for the relaunch of this office in the Spring of 2025.
Please send any urgent communications for this office to Jasimine Davis (jdavis163@ewu.edu). This message will be updated when this Office has reopened.
About the OCE
The Office of Community Engagement at Eastern Washington University connects the campus to the wider community through meaningful, reciprocal partnerships in order to enrich student learning, address critical community need and foster a culture of civic responsibility and community engagement. This work is accomplished by:
- Providing students with opportunities to engage in meaningful service both in and out of the classroom.
- Supporting faculty practice in service-learning, community-based research, and community-engaged scholarship and creative activities.
- Developing mutually beneficial partnerships to strengthen our local, regional and global communities.