Public Forum – Dr. Grant Forsyth

Monday, October 14, 2019 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM PST

Co-Hosted by People for Effective Government and the Institute for Public Policy & Economic Analysis

The topic of Dr. Forsyth’s presentation is: Socialism or Capitalism: Lessons for the U.S. in an Era of Discontent

Summary: Between 1989 and the early 2000’s the Czech Republic (part of the former Czechoslovakia) went through a radical economic and political change. In just over a decade, the county shed the economic controls of the communist party; briefly experimented with elements of laissez-faire capitalism during a period of rapid privatization; and then moved back to the economic center with a more mixed economy. The experience of the Czech Republic provides a useful reference point for U.S. voters now confronting calls for increased state control under the banner of socialism.

Biography: Dr. Forsyth is the Chief Economist of Avista Corp. Before coming to Avista in 2012, he was Professor of Economics at Eastern Washington University from 1999 to 2012. Before EWU, from 1996 to 1999, he worked in the Czech Republic as an academic and private sector economist. He received a BA in Economics from Central Washington University (1988), his MBA in Finance from the University of Oregon (1990), and his PhD in Economics from Washington State University (1996). He also serves on the Washington Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors; The Citizen Commission for the Performance Measurement of Tax Preferences; and the Spokane Mayor’s Economic Advisory Roundtable. EWU

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