InTASC Resources Standard 3: Learning Environments pva


The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

Indicator 3.1.a

The teacher collaborates with learners, families, and colleagues to build a safe, positive learning climate of openness, mutual respect, support, and injury.


Indicator 3.1.d

The teacher manages the learning environment to actively and equitably engage learners by organizing, allocating, and coordinating the resources of time, space, and learners' attention.


Indicator 3.1.f

The teacher communicates verbally and non-verbally in ways that demonstrate respect for and responsiveness to the cultural backgrounds and differing perspectives learners bring to the learning environment.


Indicator 3.1.g

The teacher promotes responsible learner use of interactive technologies to extend the possibilities for learning locally and globally.


Indicator 3.1.j

The teacher knows how to help learners work productively and cooperatively with each other to achieve learning goals.

Essential Knowledge

Indicator 3.1.k

The teacher knows how to collaborate with learners to establish and monitor elements of a safe and productive learning environment including norms, expectations, routines, and organizational structures.

Essential Knowledge

Indicator 3.1.m

The teacher knows how to use technologies and how to guide learners to apply them in appropriate, safe, and effective ways.

Essential Knowledge

Indicator 3.1.n

The teacher is committed to working with learners, colleagues, families, and communities to establish positive and supportive learning environments.

Critical Disposition

Indicator 3.1.r

The teacher is a thoughtful and responsive listener and observer.

Critical Disposition