ASEWU Review and Proposal

The Review and Proposal Committee, hereby referred to as R&P, shall be established to recommend all legislation regarding the ASEWU Bylaws to the ASEWU Council.

  • All proposed bills must be submitted to the R&P Committee prior to coming before the ASEWU Council for a vote.
  • The R&P Committee shall correct the proposed legislation for conformity in style, format, and consistency with other bylaws and the ASEWU Constitution.
  • All proposed bills must be provided in writing to all ASEWU Council representatives, organizations and programs that are impacted by said bill, forty-eight (48) hours prior to the ASEWU Council meeting that the bill will be discussed.
  • The bill may be approved by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the ASEWU Council provided that the bill’s disposition is at second reading.
  • The bill may be approved on the date it is introduced by a unanimous vote of the ASEWU Council, provided that it is submitted to all Council members twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting. The intention to pass the bill must be clearly understood by all ASEWU Council members.

The next meeting shall take place on May 14th, 2019 at 3:30pm in PUB 207J.

2019-2020 R&P Agendas and Bills:

10-17-19 R&P Agenda & Bills

ASEWU Review and Proposal Agenda 1.24.2020

2018-2019 R&P Agendas and Bills:

05-14-19 R&P Agenda & Bills

04-25-19 R&P Agenda & Bills

04-11-19 R&P Agenda & Bills

04-09-19 R&P Agenda & Bills

03-12-19 R&P Agenda & Bills

02-14-19 R&P Agenda & Legislation

02-05-19 R&P Agenda & Bills

01-22-19 R&P Agenda & Bills

10-31-18 R&P Agenda & Bills

10-17-18 R&P Agenda & Bills